Chris Kladopoulos

Contributing Faculty
College of Allied Health
School of Psychology
Ph.D. Clinical Psychology

Academic degrees include a BA in Psychology from the State University of New York at Stony Brook followed by an MA in General Psychology from Queens College of the City University of New York (CUNY), an MPhil in Psychology from The Graduate School and University Center of CUNY, and a PhD in Psychology - Learning Processes from the Graduate School and University Center of CUNY. Graduate level clinical experience includes Mt. Sinai University Hospital in NYC and North Shore University Hospital in NY. Further, credentials include a Certification in School Psychology in NY, and Board Certification as a Human Services Practitioner. Teaching and research experience consists of undergraduate and graduate level courses taught for over 20 years at several different universities, several presentations at professional psychology conferences such as the Eastern Psychological Association, American Psychiatric Association, Association for the Advancement of Behavior Therapy, and World Congress of Psychiatry, and senior and co-authorship in professional psychology journals such as Perceptions and Psychophysics, Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, and Behavioural Processes. Roles at Walden include teaching, serving as dissertation chair and committee member, and as University Research Reviewer.

Courses Taught

PSYC 9000 - Dissertation

PSYC 8781 - Psychopathology from a Clinical Perspective

PSYC 8342 - Psychotherapy Interventions I

CPSY 6728 - Substance Abuse Counseling

PSYC 8341 - Psychological Assessment – Cognitive

PSYC 8871 - Practicum

PSYC 8304, 6305 - Statistics I

PSYC 8241 - Human Motivation

PSYC 8723 - Multicultural Counseling

PSYC 8211 - Contemporary Issues Psyc

SBSF 8501, 8502 - Introduction to Statistics and Applied Research Methods

CPSY 6700, 6800, 6900 - Masters Practicum

PSYC 6315 - Tests and Measurement

PSY 6225 - Biopsychology

FPSY 6720 - Abnormal Behavior

PSYC 8316 - Tests and Measurement


MA, CUNY at Queens College

MPhil, Graduate Center of CUNY

PhD, Graduate Center of CUNY

Awards / Honors

CUNY Tuition Schlarship, Graduate Center of CUNY, 1992

Graduate Teaching Fellowship, CUNY at Queens College, 1990

Graduate Teaching Fellowship, , 1990

Professional Staff Congress of CUNY Tuition Schola, , 1992

Psychology Fellowship, Professional Staff Congress of CUNY, 1999

Psychology Fellowship: Professional Staff Congress, , 1999

University Graduate Fellowship, Graduate Center of CUNY, 1992

University Graduate Fellowship: The Graduate Center, , 1992


Kladopoulos, C., Hemmes, N. H., Brown, B. L. (2004). Prospective timing under dual-task paradigms: Attentional and contextual-change mechanisms. Behavioural Processes

Pomaville, F. M., Kladopoulos, C. (2013). The effects of behavioral speech therapy on speech sound production with adults who have cochlear implants. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research

Kladopoulos, C., McComas, J. (2001). The effects of form training on foul shooting performance in members of a women's NCAA college basketball team. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis

Kladopoulos, C., Brown, B. L., Hemmes, N. H., abeza de Vaca, S. (1998). The start-stop procedure: Reproduction of temporal intervals by human subjects. Perception and Psychophysics

Hemmes, N. S., Brown, B. L., Kladopoulos, C. (2003). Time perception with and without a concurrent non-temporal task. Perception & Psychophysics


Ateno, P., Sarakoff, R. A., Hemmes, N. A., Brown, B. L., Kladopoulos, C. (1997). Subjective time estimates in the presence of a concurrent nontemporal task.

Sarakoff, R. A., Brown, B. L., Hemmes, N. S., Cabeza , D., e Vaca, S., Kladopoulos, C. D., Ateno, P., Kladopoulos, C. (1997). Varying the location of a concurrent nontemporal task during a reproduction trial: Effects on subjective time estimates.