Ken Sanders

Core Faculty
College of Social and Behavioral Health
School of Counseling
M.S. School Counseling

Dr. Ken Sanders work experiences span 29 years and over that time period he has held positions such as middle school teacher, school counselor, school administrator, and faculty at the university level. Dr. Sanders earned his PhD in Counselor Education & Supervision and his EdS in Counselor Education - Play Therapy. He has held his certifications and his licenses (i.e., Certified School Counselor, Licensed Professional Counselor, and Registered Play Therapist) in the professional areas of counseling and teaching. As a Core Faculty member, he teaches in the School Counseling program which is aligned with his scholarly activities as he has published and presented about matters related to school counseling delivery services, career patterns of counselors, increasing high school graduation rates, etc.

Courses Taught

COUN 6111 - Introduction to School Counseling

COUN 6311 - Leadership, Advocacy, and Consultation In the Schools


PhD, Auburn University

EdS, The University of Mississippi

MEd, University of West Georgia

Public Service

School Counselor Advisory Board - Georgia , Member - Atlanta

Awards / Honors

Student Support Administrator of the Year, Twiggs School District , 2012


Sanders, K. (2009). African American male students' perceptions of the availability and use of high school counseling services. . The National Journal of Urban Education & Practice

Sanders, K. A middle school's comprehensive approach to social justice: A collaborative approach involving administrators, teachers, and school counselors .


Sanders, K. (2018). Exploring the Career Trajectory of African American Male Counselors . American Counseling Association (ACA)

Sanders, K. (2018). Increasing College Access: 10 Tips from High School Counselors . American School Counselor Association (ASCA)

Sanders, K. (2015). Preparing Students for College Access Opportunities: Getting More from College Fairs. American School Counselor Association (ASCA)