Laura Hodges

Contributing Faculty
College of Social and Behavioral Health
School of Counseling
M.S. Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Dr. Hodges graduated with a BA degree in French, a MA degree in Counseling, both from Stephen F. Austin State University. Her PhD degree in Counselor Education was earned from Sam Houston State University. Her education experience is comprised of 30 years of service in the public-school setting as a high school teacher and school counselor, and in higher education as a counselor educator. Her experiences in the field of school counseling have put her on the front lines of mental health counseling. Supervising students in higher education field experiences has deepened and validated the essential need for mental health support for all ages.

Dr. Hodges is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) [TX, AL], a Licensed Professional Counselor-Supervisor (LPC-S) [TX], a National Certified Counselor (NCC), an Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS), and Certified School Counselor (CSC) [TX, AL].

Her primary research interests include bullying prevention, impaired professionals, ethics, crisis management, counselor theory development, and student advocacy.