Lois Woods

Contributing Faculty
College of Psychology and Community Services
B.S. Criminal Justice

Dr. Lois V. Woods is currently a senior criminal investigator for the District Attorney for the Clayton Judicial Circuit in Georgia. Dr. Woods’ 19-year career as a law enforcement and criminal justice practitioner has included a range of positions from victim advocate to chief investigator. Dr. Woods has published research in the Journal of Social Change and the Journal of Criminal Justice and Law. She has conducted peer reviews for criminal justice and public policy journals, and was recently selected as a peer reviewer for grant applications for the US Department of Justice. Dr. Woods has presented research on policing, the judicial process, juvenile justice, family violence, victimology, identity politics, and crisis intervention at criminal justice and law enforcement seminars, webinars, and conferences, including the Academy of Criminal Justice Science's 59th and 61st Annual Meetings, and the Society for Police and Criminal Psychology's 2023 Conference. Dr. Woods continues to teach recruit and veteran officers at police academies and serves as a guest instructor for the Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of Georgia, facilitating evidence-based prosecution training for prosecutors, law enforcement, and victim advocates throughout the state. Her research interests include policing, justice equity, juvenile justice, and the judicial system.


PhD, Walden University

MS, Walden University

MS, Columbus State Univeristy Command College


Woods, L. V. (2020). Juvenile detention alternatives initiative, zero-tolerance discipline, and the school-to-prison pipeline. . Journal of Social Change

Woods, L. V., Blackmon, K. K. (2021). Police officer political identity and their opinions of public protests. Journal of Criminal Justice and Law


Blackmon, K. K., Woods, L. V. (2024). Policing & Polarization: Exploring the Influence of Political Divisions on Law Enforcement Leadership. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences

Blackmon, K. K., Woods, L. V. (2023). Challenging the Thin Blue Line: Navigating the Intersection of Democrat Police Officers and Law Enforcement Conservatism.. Society for Police and Criminal Psychology

Woods, L. V., Blackmon, K. K. (2022). Police officer political identity and their opinions of public protests. Walden University

Blackmon, K. K., Lee, J., Smith, M. W., Woods, L. V. (2021). Using EQ to Improve Relations Between Communities and Law Enforcement. . Walden University