Stephanie Tippin

Contributing Faculty
College of Nursing
B.S. Nursing (BSN)

Stephanie Tippin, RN, DNP

Dr. Tippin earned her BSN at the University of Saint Francis, MSN from Ball State University, and DNP from Indiana Wesleyan University. Her nursing practice is in labor and delivery/postpartum care, family practice, and long-term care and has over 24 years of clinical practice experience. She has 18 years of experience teaching in higher education including ADN, BSN, MSN, and RN-BSN nursing programs.

Courses Taught

NURS 3020 - Health Assessment

NURS 3025 - Health Asessment

NURS 3100 - Issues/Trends in Nursing


DNP, Indiana Wesleyan University

MSN, Ball State University

BSN, University of Saint Francis


Tippin, S. A. (2012). Social networks in nursing education: Bringing a high fidelity simulator to life on Facebook. Nurse Educator


Tippin, S. A. (2018). Applying QSEN Competencies to Systems-Based Learning: Implementation of a Quality Improvement Capstone Project and Virtual Poster Conference Experience.

Tippin, S. A. (2019). Development of Capstone Projects in Nursing . Upper Iowa University

Tippin, S. A. (2015). ePortfolio’s-Implementation and Best Practices.