
Our Faculty

Meet the passionate scholars, thought leaders, and change-makers who inspire and guide our students every day.


of Faculty Hold a Doctoral Degree1


State Teachers of the Year


Fulbright Scholars and Specialists2


Current and Past Advisor/Board Members for Professional and Charitable Organizations3

Scholars and Practitioners Who Are Making a Difference in the World

A diverse, respected faculty is the cornerstone of the Walden learning experience. Our faculty includes skilled educators and practitioners in business, education, nursing, and other fields. They excel at integrating their real-life lessons and experience into their teaching and academic leadership.

Walden faculty members are chosen not only for their academic and industry credentials but also for the energy, enthusiasm, and dedication they bring to our learning community. They understand the needs of adult learners who must balance their studies with work and family demands. Whether they’re celebrating your achievements or holding flexible office hours, our faculty actively support your success.

Get to Know Our Faculty

2710 Faculty Members
Laima Warnecke
Contributing Faculty
Master of Public Administration (MPA)
Laverne Ware
Contributing Faculty
M.S. School Counseling
Yvonne Ward
Contributing Faculty
M.S. Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Mary Ward
Contributing Faculty
No Specific Program Affiliation
Lisa Ward
Contributing Faculty
B.S. Information Technology (BSIT)
Jacqueline Ward
Contributing Faculty
Ed.S. Educational Leadership
Isabel Wan
Contributing Faculty
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
Wayne Wallace
Contributing Faculty
Ph.D. Forensic Psychology
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